
韩国科学技术Suk-Joong L. Kang教授授课通知

2023/09/11 402

应我校amjs澳金沙门线路王玉金教授邀请,韩国科学技术院(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)材料科学与工程系杰出教授,韩国科学技术院院士和工程院院士,世界陶瓷科学院院士,烧结领域国际知名专家Suk-Joong L. Kang将于20239~10月来我校交流访问,并于912~1012日每周二、周四上午900~1100于科学园C3栋四楼报告厅讲授《烧结致密化、晶粒生长和微观结构》公开课,欢迎广大师生参加。


Teacher: Suk-Joong L. Kang (강석중), sjkang@kaist.ac.kr

Class hour: 9:00 – 11:00 on Tue. and Thu. From Sept. 12 to Oct. 12

Textbook: “Sintering: densification, grain growth and microstructure” Elsevier (2005)

Supporting materials: selected papers and book chapters

Main Sequence:

Part I. Basis of Sintering Science

Brief description of sintering processes and their parameters

Interfacial energy and driving force of sintering

Sintering and polycrystalline microstructure

Part II. Bonding and Densification

Solid state sintering (SSS) Models and Densification

-Models and kinetics

-Effects of processing variables

Liquid phase sintering (LPS) Models and Densification

-Role of liquid in densification

-Densification kinetics (effects of processing variables)

Part III. Grain Growth and Microstructural Evolution

•  Liquid phase sintering

-Grain growth in a matrix (Ostwald ripening)

-Effect of interfacial energy anisotropy

Solid state sintering

-Grain growth in a pure and dense system

-Effects of second phase particles and solute segregation

-Effect of pores on microstructure development

-Effect of boundary energy anisotropy

Part IV. Supplementary subjects

Sintering of ionic compounds

Diffusion induced grain-boundary migration

Discussion on potential strategies for full densification



Suk-Joong L. Kang

Distinguished Professor,

Department of Materials Science and Engineering,

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,

291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305–701, Korea            

E-mail: sjkang@kaist.ac.kr

Suk-Joong L. Kang is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He is a member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology (1996), and National Academy of Engineering of Korea (2002). He received a Dr.-Ing degree from the Ecole Centrale de Paris (1980), and a Dr. d’ Etat degree from the University of Paris VI (1985). After joining KAIST in 1980, he also served as a Visiting Professor at the Stuttgart Max-Plank-Institut (’82-’83, ’88) at Samsung Electromechanics (’93-’94), at the University of New South Wales (’01-’02) and at the University of Tokyo (’08), and as President of the Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET) (’15-’18).

Dr. Kang has published more than 280 papers on sintering and microstructural evolution in ceramics and metals. Since 2000, he has presented over 100 invited talks at international conferences. He is the author of the text Sintering: Densification, Grain Growth and Microstructure, published in 2005. He developed the “Pore Filling Theory” of liquid phase sintering. Since the late 1990’s, Dr. Kang has particularly contributed to the understanding of microstructural evolution by structural transition and defect formation at interfaces. He introduced the concept of the mixed control of boundary migration, and deduced the mixed mechanism principle of microstructural evolution. Dr. Kang is a fellow of the American Ceramic Society and a member of the World Academy of Ceramics, President-Elect of the International Ceramic Federation (’18-’20). He also served as President of the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute (’06), the Korean Ceramic Society (’12), and the Asia-Oceania Ceramic Federation (’13-’14), and as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies (’13-’15). He is the recipient the Sosman Award from the American Ceramic Society (’11), the Richard Brook Award from the European Ceramic Society (’15), the Helmholtz International Fellow Award from the Helmholtz Gemeinschaft (Germany) (’15), the Inchon Prize from the Inchon Memorial Foundation (’07), and the Korea Engineering Prize from the President of the Republic of Korea (’10).
